Sharing A Favorite

Sometimes I purchase stamp sets that I know I will never be able to part with.  They are unusual sets, rarely floral.  In this case the nostalgia of my typewriter days takes over.  I can remember typing on manual typewriters, I can remember the red and black ribbon and how difficult it was to cover your mistakes.  Mistakes were generally erased with a special abrasive eraser, but you could always tell where the oopsies were.  Once this set retires, it will go on my shelf with a little green dot, and stay there for many years to come.

I cased this card from a swap card I received at convention.  The easel style card was the only one I received using this set, which totally surprised me.

Here are the supplies I used:

Stamp Set:  You're My type,  P.S. I Love You

Ink:  Basic Black Classic

Paper:  Wild Wasabi, Basic Black and Whisper White cardstock, Just Add Cake DSP

Punches:  Word Window, Modern Label

I hope you liked today's card!
